Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Assignment #2

 Unfortunately, I was unable to do motion picture because I am somewhat camera-less at the moment. :(
I like this assignment because I didn't realize that the photos needed editing, but after editing I noticed how much better they actually looked.
The photos on the left are after editing, and the ones on the right are before the editing.

I may have gone a little too red on the one above.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I took this motion photograph and decided this one was my favorite because you can see a somewhat clear picture of them standing still but the blur creates a really cool jumping movement.
I took these DOF photo's of my roommates.


 This is my favorite set of shallow and deep DOF because you can clearly see the effects of the different apertures, it has the greatest DOF differences.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Assignment #1

Assignment one was easy and tricky at the same time.
It was easy because for the most part all we were doing was desaturating our
photos, yet it got a bit tricky whenever I began changing the contrast.
I couldn't decide what the best brightness vs. darkness was
because I was scared I was loosing too much detail. I also had some trouble
dodging and burning because it kept looking a little too unnatural for me.
In this photo I wanted my cross to stand out against
the background so I used lasso tool to turn the brightness up
just on the cross, and since I lost some of the details I used my
dodge tool to darken those places again.
This is the same brightness vs. contrast as before, only this
time I played with my color levels to create a sepia composition.

This one is probably my favorite because I feel like I got the
levels of brightness vs. darkness pretty close to perfect. I was able
to get a really great contrast, as well as getting the cross to stand out
from the background, without loosing too much detail.